Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Inconsiderate people - airplane travel

I just got back from a trip for which I had to get on an airplane. Outside of the obvious hassles of flying these days, it amazes me how inconsiderate people are when they fly. I haven't decided whether people are inherently scum and they just show it more in situations like flying or it simply brings out the worst in people. Are people just clueless or do they just not care about how their behavior effects others?? Let me know if you have an answer. Anyway, here are the top ten people I hate most while flying:

1) People who stink, literally. (body odor, bad breath, smelly feet, farters, smokers, those who eat food that smells like ass, etc.)

2) People who stand where they shouldn't (in the aisle when I am trying to get to my seat, in the middle of the door at the end of the ramp, with their whole family by the luggage carousel, on the left side of the moving walkway when the sign clearly says to stand on the right, at the front of the line at check-in when there are clearly half a dozen open kiosks, etc.)

3) The asshole who HAS to recline his seat and take my 12" of personal space down to 6"

4) The person who assumes you must like his music too and plays it so loud it's clearly heard through his headphones.

5) The person so fat they bubble over into your seat

6) The airline attendant who rams your elbow or leg with the drink cart

7) Parents with out-of-control kids

8) People who just sit and watch while and elderly person or smaller female tries to put their bag in the overhead

9) The jerkoff who needs to walk to your aisle and talk over you to their friend in the window seat

10) The dipshits who demand a window seat but repeatedly ask the other people in the aisle to get up so they can take a piss.

I am sure there are many more I have missed. Feel free to post your favorites.

Friday, July 18, 2008


An AP-Ipsos poll released this week shows just 17 percent of Americans believe the country is moving in the right direction, indicating the general level of pessimism is the worst in almost 30 years. A striking number for sure, but not very surprising to me. Clearly, most of us believe things are bad (and getting worse). What is our response to this unfortunate reality? In a word - nothing!

We are a country of apathetic, lazy and generally stupid people. People who talk and complain but do nothing. Don't get me wrong, I am as guilty as the next guy (although probably not as stupid). But it amazes me that our only reaction to what may amount to the degeneration of our country is the percent of Americans voting goes up a few points. It's time to face reality - neither Obama nor McCain will fix this situation. We need RADICAL change. What this country needs is a revolution!

What do I mean by revolution. Well, let me point you to the definition on Wikipedia. A revolution is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Aristotle described two types of political revolution: Complete change from one constitution to another or modification of an existing constitution. This is exactly what the United States needs.

There is little to no chance we will be able to fix the many problems we have (healthcare program, budget deficit, war, recession, devalue of the dollar, crumbling infrastructure, zero long term energy policy, racism, lobbyists, crumbling transportation system, crime, etc.) by electing a new President. We need something much more dramatic. The two party system is broken and the structure and power of our government in no way represents the best interest of the people of this country.

Revolutions have taken place hundreds of times throughout the world.


The people of this country need to wake up. We need to get angry! Politicians have been using America to serve their own interests for too long. We cannot accept this behavior any longer!!!

I will close with this: On the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863 in Gettysburg, PA, Abraham Lincoln said "that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." Well, if he were alive today, Abe would be saddened to see that the government has, in fact, perished and is no longer run by the people and for the people.

It's time for a change....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Population Control - 2

My first entry (of many I am sure) on "population control." OK - so anyone who waited on line for days for the new iPhone, they need to be shot. What kind of LOSER camps out in a tent for a damn phone! I can barely wait on line for a movie! Do these morons have such low self esteem that being able to say "I have the new iPhone and you don't" makes them feel better about themselves? Do they feel something so insignificant will actually improve their quality of life so much that they need it immediately? I have a hard time understanding this behavior but, whatever the case, these people don't deserve to live among us. Harsh? Maybe, but we need to control the population so this is as good a place as any to start....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Why hasn't anyone tried to assassinate Bush?

I was watching something on the Biography channel, or maybe it was Discovery Channel. Anyway, it occurred to me that no one has attempted to assassinate George Bush - at least as far as we know. Now, I am by no means suggesting someone should (the CIA or FBI would be up my ass in a second). It's just surprising to me. He has been in office for nearly 8 years now and for at least half of that, he has to be one of the most hated people on the planet, right? I mean, he has got to be in a lot of people's top five. Even in the U.S., a good chunk of the population blames him for a lot of bad shit going on (rightfully so, in my opinion). More significant, however, is that outside the U.S., there is such venomous hatred of George Bush, I bet he would come in a close second behind Osama bin Laden for most hated man on earth. (a worldwide poll would be interesting) Yet, with all this vitriol and animosity directed toward him, no on has tried to take him out! They got Kennedy and they went after Reagan and Ford and those guys didn't have nearly the "fan base" as Bush. Just strikes me as odd....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Population Control

This section is dedicated to my strongly held belief that there are some people that shouldn't be allowed to live among us. Yes, I realize this isn't "politically correct" but I could care less. Our country (and world) is overpopulated and dispensing with the waste would make this planet a better place for the rest of us. More to come...

What and why

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - Network (1976).

It's a great movie quote and very much represents how I am feeling these days. That is why I am writing this blog. My hope is, it will do two things: First and foremost - it will allow me to rant about all the things that frustrate and anger me. Simple, I know, but I expect the venting will hopefully help me live longer. For the most part, I am a happy person. However, there are some things that just make my blood boil. Instead of keeping it bottled up inside, I now get the pleasure of sharing it with you!

Selfish reasons aside, the other purpose of my blog is more - shall we say - altruistic. I can be cynical but I have some hope (albeit small) that the citizens of the United States can actually take our country back from the politicians, lobbyists, criminals, greedy executives and other scum and help put our once great country back on the right track. Maybe this blog will generate some discussion serve as a call to action for some people. A lofty goal for sure but what the hell, right? At the very least, maybe we can all commiserate on the anger and frustration we feel with what has happened to our country.

You may sense from my comments thus far that this blog will be focused on political discussion. While that will certainly be a part of it, it will only be one subject of many I will rant about. As anyone that knows me would agree, I have strong opinions about almost everything....