Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What and why

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - Network (1976).

It's a great movie quote and very much represents how I am feeling these days. That is why I am writing this blog. My hope is, it will do two things: First and foremost - it will allow me to rant about all the things that frustrate and anger me. Simple, I know, but I expect the venting will hopefully help me live longer. For the most part, I am a happy person. However, there are some things that just make my blood boil. Instead of keeping it bottled up inside, I now get the pleasure of sharing it with you!

Selfish reasons aside, the other purpose of my blog is more - shall we say - altruistic. I can be cynical but I have some hope (albeit small) that the citizens of the United States can actually take our country back from the politicians, lobbyists, criminals, greedy executives and other scum and help put our once great country back on the right track. Maybe this blog will generate some discussion serve as a call to action for some people. A lofty goal for sure but what the hell, right? At the very least, maybe we can all commiserate on the anger and frustration we feel with what has happened to our country.

You may sense from my comments thus far that this blog will be focused on political discussion. While that will certainly be a part of it, it will only be one subject of many I will rant about. As anyone that knows me would agree, I have strong opinions about almost everything....

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